kill to get crimson
| Mark Knopflerkill to get crimson
Kill to Get Crimson
Critic Reviews
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2007 - Kill to Get Crimson, far more tranquil than its title suggests, might be the most cohesive of Knopfler's solo career.
Despite the few folk trappings, most of Kill to Get Crimson resembles nothing so much as another tastefully low-key album from Knopfler, one that resides comfortably in his mellow Americana niche, where country, blues, and rock gently blend into a sound that resembles no particular style but evokes plenty of past sounds. 3/5
2007 - Still, like much of his post-Dire Straits output, Kill To Get Crimson does reward a listener's patience.
zme mUSIC
2007 - The album is a gem. A must have.
Glide Magazine
2007 - But like a good book, Kill to Get Crimson needs some time to get comfortable with, but it’s worth the effort.
The Music Box
2008 - Undeniably, it is the manner in which Knopfler’s lyrics and his music collide that makes Kill to Get Crimson such a magnificent affair. 4/5
The Goshen News
2007 - The folksy arrangements inspire some of Knopfler’s finest singing.
2007 - There’s really not a weak track on “Kill to Get Crimson,” making Knopfler one of those rare artists who can deliver an album from start to finish.
Anze Vodovnik
The mastery of the album an the quality of the music is supreme. The songs are Knopfleresque. They somewhat remind me of the Shangri-La album, and yet it's a big departure from Golden Heart (my favorite).
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